Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Saw, I Learnt

When I was a kid my mother used to switch off the lights and fans of the rooms we were not using. I used to wonder what is the big deal if we switch it off for an hour and two. Then one day she made me calculate the hours we save in a year and then I realised the importance of saving the resources we take for granted. Slowly I developed this habit and learnt my lesson.

My dad is a doctor and when I was a kid I used to ask him why doesn't he worship God like others do.
Do you not believe in him?
He told me he does and that he worships his work. Being a doctor the best worship you can do is my saving lives and he did it everyday.
That day I learnt a great lesson.

I am sharing what 'I Saw and I Learnt' at BlogAdda.com in association with DoRight.in.